16 Dec Garden art for December
Don’t the weeks rush by? Christmas will be here in just 9 days! So, it’s time for Rosewood to share some garden art for December. Here is this month’s image in the 19th century art nouveau calendar by Eugene Grasset. If you’ve been reading our blog for a long time, you’ll have seen this picture already. We started this series last December, so this image was the first one we shared. However, we thought that newer readers would want to see the final image of the year, so we’re sharing it again.
The ‘Belle Jardiniere’ is dressed warmly this month, as she’s out in a snowy garden. At Rosewood HQ in St Albans we haven’t seen any snow so far in reality, but no doubt it will be on its way. We’ve certainly been cold enough to need plenty of layers and scarves. Grasset’s lovely December garden is full of Christmas roses (aka hellebores), one of our favourite plants for the winter garden. And, how Christmassy – the beautiful gardener has an apron full of mistletoe. We hope you’ve enjoyed seeing these illustrations, especially this month’s garden art for December. We also hope that you get all the mistletoe action you desire this festive season!
We’ll be closed for Christmas from lunchtime on Friday 20th December, and the office re-opens on Monday 6th January. If you need to contact us over the holiday, please email, as somebody will be checking for messages every few days. Best wishes to all our clients, new and old.